fotografo de hotels

Fotógrafo de hoteles en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Ciertamente me es de ventaja el haber estudiado hotelería para destacarme dentro de los fotógrafos que hacen fotos para hoteles. Mis clientes no sólo destacan mi capacidad de iluminar, sino también del conocimiento de la industria hotelera en general.

Al hacer las preguntas correctas antes del trabajo, pongo una base de conocimiento la cual es necesaria para que el cliente se sienta cómodo conmigo y mi equipo.

Estos dos puntos dan un resultado eficaz en las imágenes finales a entregar al hotel.

Focusing on the gear for a hotel shoot

I once heard that the photographer's best assistant is the tape. Then I heard it was the tripod. I guess for now, it is in the bags and carrying cases. I have all of my photography equipment in carrying cases with wheels. That is definitely my best assistant. And not only for me, but for my assistant's health too! Rolling cases are what I think every photographer should have. All the weight goes on the wheels, not on your back. Not only your back will thank but also your assistant. I single handed took these two cases on a trip to Cancun and The Bahamas for various hotel and real estate shoots. The wheels made it so much easier to move around! Since I was traveling alone and could not carry any more bags, I had all of my clothes in the Pelican hard case along with 2 monolights. Some photographers make excellent use of photographic vests witch actually can carry many more photo equipment. And, since it is a wearable item, it is not consider as luggage by the airlines (nice tip).

My two only carry ons: a Think Tank bag for my cameras and lenses and my Pelican hard case for the light, stands, tripod, extension, etc. The Think Tank is a airplane regulated size so it goes with me on the plane (in cabin), the hard case goes down below.

Why Is A Hotel Photographer Important?

"Hotel photography"  as I call it, could actually be what moves more people in the hospitality industry.  The word of mouth still does the job in a personal way. People still believe and tend to feel more secure when someone (even though they don't know them) say something great about a place they visited. The internet changed this a lot in the last few years.

Images is what it is all about. Particularly good images. Good images sell. They sell food, they sell cars, they sell houses, trips and vacations. Good images move people from one point to another. ​This "moving" generates many businesses. Air tickets, cabs, airports, food courts, cruises, wedding venues, hotels, resorts, restaurants, etc., etc., all generate money from this moving action.

A hotel image is the first thing people see of their destination before arriving. ​The clear clean blue water of the beach they are going to stay really does create a sense of wanting to be there. The sunset overlooking your room terrace. The clean and perfectly made bed with a great view of a lonely ocean. All of these images do make someone what to be there. 

A hotel photographer, specially one who has actually studied hotel management, is probably the best professional for this unique kind of photography. 

Thiago da Cunha – Hotel & Resort Photography. Talento de la Fotografía Arquitectónica.

Fotografo de hoteles. ​

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